Thursday 24 July 2014

A Later Start for Today's Camp

The weather is expected to dry out sometime this morning as this system moves rapidly eastwards. The plan is to have a later start this morning. At the moment we are aiming for a 10 am start time and finish the camp at 1 pm. Stay tune as I keep track on the weather radar. The next update will be at 8:45 am.
8:45 AM EDIT: The system has basically moved through Greater Vancouver region, except for a few persistence rain clouds over the Coquitlam northeast area. Another update will be at 9:15 am.
9:15 AM EDIT: Will squeegee the courts and start camp today at 10:30 am till 1:30 pm.
12:00 PM EDIT: HP Lessons is on today at 1.30 pm due to the rain earlier in the morning.

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