Saturday 28 June 2014

New Kids Tennis Session

It looks like the showers are over. The courts will be squeegeed dry for the start of the new Kids Tennis session C starting at 9 am and 10 am this morning. See you on the tennis courts later. Another update maybe posted so please do check back before you leave your home.
9:30 Edit: Its wet, the 10 am kids tennis session is cancelled for this week. Next update is at 10 am.
10:15 Edit: Will squeegee the courts. Please check back before you leave home.
10:55 Edit: Lessons are back on. Please do check back before you leave home.
1:12 Edit: Don't get fool by the sunshine now. It's just a very short break. More rain are heading our way within the next hour. HP Development is cancelled for today. Will try to get the HP Tournament going if possible at 4 pm. Next update at 3 pm.
3:05 Edit: It did rained the last hour but not much. However the 4 pm is a go ahead for now. Do check back before you leave.

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