Saturday 14 June 2014

Misty Rain Holding Off Lessons

It has become wet because of the very light misty rain. Unfortunately our run of four good Saturday mornings have come to an end. The Kids Tennis lessons for the 9 am groups are now cancelled for this morning. Let's hope we can finish session B off next Saturday. The 10 am Kids Tennis group will be updated at 8:45 am.
8:45 am UPDATE: No sign of letting up with this misty rain. The 10 am session is now cancelled. Will see everyone next Saturday. Fingers crossed. Next update for the other groups will be at 10 am.
10 am UPDATE: It's still misty rain out there. So no HP Orange and Green Play lessons. Next update at 11:30 am.
11:30 am UPDATE: It's still not letting up. Beginner/Novice lessons are now cancelled for today. Next update at 1 pm.
1 pm UPDATE: It's raining at the moment, so the HP Development lesson will not be going ahead at 2 pm. Final update at 3 pm.
3 pm UPDATE: It's a hard call at the moment for the 4 pm lesson. Very cloudy and soaking wet on the streets. A threat of misty rain is still there. No sign of a clearing on the radar. We are going to call it a rainout. See you all on Thursday. Still waiting for some of you to reply to my email with the answers to the questions.

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