Wednesday 26 February 2014

High Performance Assessment

Registration Brochure  |  A clarification has been made to the High Performance assessment requirement in the registration brochure after it has been released to the public.

HP Orange Play (8 spots): An assessment is required
HP Green Play (8 spots): An assessment is required except for the 2013 HP 10 returning juniors
HP Development Play (16 spots): An assessment is required except for the 2013 HP 14 & HP18 returning juniors
HP Tournament Play (16 spots): An assessment is required. An assessment or a selection may be required for the 2013 HP juniors except for the 2013 club closed U18 & U14 top 3 placements

HP Development Play session is essentially the same HP 14 and HP 18 sessions from previous years, but the requirement is to participate in two Tennis BC sanctioned tournaments. HP Tournament Play session differs from Development Play session with twice weekly lessons from April and the requirement is to participate in six Tennis BC sanctioned tournaments during the junior program season. Both these sessions will come together during July and August on Tuesday to participate in the club closed U14 and U18 tournament.

The date for the assessment is on Saturday, March 15 at 2 pm. Please send an email to indicate you will be showing up for this assessment. (Email to ctcjuniorprogram(at)

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