Saturday 13 April 2013

A Change in the Weather

We may be getting a lucky break today. Lessons for the Kids Tennis this morning will be going ahead. The High Performance lessons for later today are also looking good. Please check back as further updates may be possible. It is cool outside, please dress appropriately for your lessons.

9:35 AM EDIT:  Not so lucky after all. The rain has fallen. Kids Tennis is cancelled for today. Next update at 11 am.
11:10 AM EDIT: The rain has stopped. It looks to be clearing up. The HP10 will go on at noon. Further update before noon may be possible. HP14 and HP18 will go on as well. Please check back for further updates.
11:30 AM EDIT: It has started to drizzle. The HP10 will be a no go for today. The next update for the afternoon lessons will be at 12:30 pm.
12:30 PM EDIT: It's still raining. The HP14 is now cancelled for this week. Still optimistic about the afternoon especially the forecast is calling for a few hours of sunny breaks. Final update at 2:30 pm
2:30 PM EDIT: Finally something is happening today. The HP18 will be on for this afternoon at 3:30 pm as scheduled.

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