Wednesday 13 March 2013

High Performance Evaluation/Selection

High Performance Spring Session  |  The evaluation and selection for our spring sessions is on Monday, March 18 from 4 pm. All new registrants and last year's returning juniors not exempted from this process are required to be present.

This will be conducted outdoors at the Coquitlam Tennis Club (Town Centre tennis courts). We hope the weather cooperates. However, if it does get rainout it will be moved to Tuesday at the same time. There will be an update on this website no later than 3 pm on Monday. Figures crossed that the forecast will hold.

This spring evaluation and selection will be at the following times:
High Performance 14 – 4:00 pm
High Performance 18 – 4:30 pm
High Performance 10 – 4:45 pm

If you are planning to show up, and if you have not already done so, please send me an email at ctcjuniorprogram(at) (please change (at) to @).

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