Thursday 31 December 2009

Happy New Year!

2010 | So much had happened during this past decade. It is hard to believe it has been 10 years since the lead up to the Y2K global meltdown that never happened. Bill Gates' softwares would have caused computers to crash. Credit and debit cards would not work. Our money would not rolled out of the ATM when we wanted it. Planes would not fly. The world would be in so much chaos. And that was just the prelude to beginning of the third millennium. Then the event that changed the world and our lives happened on September 11 in 2001. Seven years later United Sates of America elected their first black president. The credit crunch that hit every corner of the world head on in 2008 actually took root in 2007. As our Earth grew warmer, Arctic ice melted. On the social network front, we have Google and Facebook. And then we have Twitter, and tweets we do not need to know. We see a rise in reality TV on our tele, viral videos on Youtube, and blogging media like Perez Hilton. In the world of tennis, Roger Federer became king and possibly the best tennis player the world has ever known. And Federer best pal, Tiger Woods, lost his grip on the number of women he had kept hush hush on the side, along with the millions he lost on endorsement.
Finally the first day of 2010 is upon us. It is like a hump day. Once we are on it, we can look forward into the new year. We can now put 2 months worth of Christmas in our rear view mirror. After a few more precious sleeps, we will have spring in our sight. The daylight will be getting longer and we will be ready for a brand new outdoor season. Our junior program made great head way this past season and is gearing up for another exciting start in just a few months time. But before we can bring out our racquets and dust it off, we have to welcome the world to our little corner of the globe in 41 days. The month of February will see what the best in the world of winter sports can offer. Of course after all this hype leading up to this quadrennial event, it remains to be seen if Vancouver, Whistler and our Canadian athletes can really pull it all off.

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