Wednesday 25 March 2009

It's Almost Time For Another Season!

Yes, we've made it through those dodgy winter months. And according to the calendar, spring is already upon us. Let's hope a more appealing weather comes our way as well.

Our 2009 junior program registration brochure is now available online. You can download the pdf file here. One major change this season is the instructor/coach-to-students ratio. We have dropped it down to 6:1 for all lessons groups including the summer camps. The high performance group will get a lower ratio of 4:1. These lower ratios will mean more personal attention for everyone during lessons. Last year we had adopted a schedule with a staggered time period for most groups. This had hindered us from moving some juniors into their appropriate groups within the same skill level. For this up coming season we have modified our schedule, which will enable us to assign juniors into groups within their skills level.

Everyone of our instructors and coaches will be returning to the program once again. Carla, Hasti and even Cassie will be out on the tennis courts to teach those 3 years old to 9 years old boys and girls how to play tennis while having fun. For the older juniors, we have Grant, Terry and Adrian serving once again as instructors and coaches, and pushing their students to greater accomplishments on the tennis courts.

Come out and play tennis with us! And don't forget to register early to get those Early Bird discount.

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